Just as it is time to go back...i cringe at the very thought. That would mean coming back to an empty house....that would mean, cooking alone and getting to bed, alone. I usually go to bed at 10 pm which makes it about 4 hours of doing nothing. And the whole house is so silent, all you can hear is the clock ticking. This is how loneliness feels like. Nothing to look forward to and nothing to do....
I used to drive back home when Fendy and Ethan was around with full speed. Knowing they both will be waiting for me at home. With Fendy does his normal routine of riding his motorbike with Ethan standing proudly on the motor's basket. Riding around the neighbourhood, until sometimes, he dozed off ( just like his mommy:-P).
Greeted by them was an amazing feeling. I anticipate that moment each day. I would then rush to take a quick shower and give Ethan his bath. After that, it is back to Fendy again as I will prepare with the cooking. Dinner time with the boys was such a wonderful moment and it is the time that we will sit down and eat as a family. Of course, Ethan will be fed much earlier and he will be placed on his high chair with him playing with his toys with the occasional 'baba' and 'dada'! Mommy and daddy will trade stories what happened during the day, mostly on Ethan's developements and share jokes and sarcasms sometimes...if the food is oily or undercooked/ overcooked. Hahahaha!
Cleaning up, it will be Fendy's turn doing all the cleaning and yes, mommy get to spend time with little Ethan...it was the only time i get to spend time with Ethan aside from lunch hour because it will usually be too rushing for me. Preparing lunch leaves no time for me to have quality time with my little munchkin. Fendy said that, i'd only get to spend time with Ethan less than 3 hours during weekdays and it is such a short duration of time. Can't help it honey, I'm working:(
Around 9 pm, little Ethan will start rubbing his eyes. The indication that the poor fella is sleepy...its off to bed then while Fendy will go out to join his other fellow daddys outside, gossiping i call it. But he call it 'mengeratkan kesatuan jiran tetangga'. Pfft! Hahahaa...
Tossing and turning, until he is restless..that was Ethan's activities before going to bed every night.i will sing lullabies to him, read bedtime stories and also will sometimes, tickle him until he surrenders.... How does he surrenders? Well, he will ignore you and that is the cue to stop. Being his mother, i have to be alert with all these.
Fendy will come up and say good night to Ethan and will make his way resuming session. While I will nurse Ethan until he is fast asleep and that what was going on since we came back from my maternity leave; end of May 2013 until Fendy started working again, that is on 9 December 2013. He has taken care of Ethan for 6 months. Both me and Fendy affirmed that was one of the glorious moments in our lives. We have few issues this and that, but those times were the moments that our family felt whole and complete.
After that....the family moments were gone. And i realised that both me and Ethan feel incomplete. Our house was no longer a home....series of events happened after that entails. This, I will highlight in my next entry.
We look forward to be together again someday. Let this be a reminder to me and to all the mothers out there that is facing the same situation like mine to be strong as only time will tell. Do not give up hope as prayers does wonders...I am waiting for the day for the three of us to be reunited and settle down somewhere, Labuan perhaps and call it a home someday. InsyaAllah, amin.
Mom to Ethan:'(